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Confronting Plastic Pollution Problem in Aqaba and & Status of Env. Journalism – Phase I

  • 10/4/2020 12:05:00 PM
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Project Title: Confronting the Plastic Pollution Problem in Aqaba and Advancing the Status of Environmental Journalism – Phase I

Project duration: 1/1/2020-31/10/2020

Funding: This project is with the support of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ( HBS)

Project Goal: HBS related actors promote debates and initiatives based on environmental rights as human rights, with gender as a cross-cutting issue, both in the oPt and Jordan.

Project Aim:

In Phase 1 of the project, will depend on three major pillars:

  1. Reviewing and advocating for enhancements in current waste reduction and management regulations in Aqaba, with focus on plastic, in cooperation with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) and the participation of various stakeholders. This come in the form of proposing a set of instructions to be adopted by ASEZA, a pursuit that will be supported by both legal and socio-economic studies.
  2. Support community-supported initiatives and efforts aimed at improved solid waste management.

Continuing capacity-building efforts with journalists and journalism university students using the “Environmental Journalism Training Manual” developed in the previous phase of this project


This project will primarily be implemented in the city of Aqaba and will extend to the Aqaba coastline to contribute positively to the efforts made by ASEZA and JREDS specifically in conserving the marine environment. Some activities, especially with journalists and journalism students, will be held in Amman.