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Education and Awareness for a Green Path and Sustainable Development in Jordan

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Education and Awareness for a Green Path and Sustainable Development in Jordan

Project Title:

Education and Awareness for a Green Path and Sustainable Development in Jordan

Project Duration:

November 2018- May 2020 

Project Objectives:

Contribute to Jordan’s target for 2020 through an effective and responsible program of awareness and knowledge and empower NGOs to advocate for green economy. This will be achieved through implementing the International Eco-Schools Program as an incentive for sustainable development to raise awareness and knowledge about energy efficiency and energy conservation.

Partner Organizations:

This project is funded by the European Union, in partnership with Future Pioneers and Horizon for Green Development.

Outstanding Achievements

  • Involvement of 60 schools from Amman and Aqaba participating in awareness and educational sessions on renewable energy and energy efficiency techniques to raise their knowledge and change their attitude and behavior.
  • Install 1,200 LED lights in government schools to contribute to energy saving and to mitigate the effects of climate change
  • Perform a play in three major city theaters (Aqaba, Amman and Jerash) aiming to raise awareness of renewable energy in an interactive way and engage students effectively as ambassadors to their communities