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Sustainable Education through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Northern parts of Jordan

  • 6/10/2019 2:36:00 PM
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Sustainable Education through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Northern parts of Jordan

Project Title:

Sustainable Education through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Northern parts of Jordan

Project Duration:

May 2018- May 2019 

Project Objectives:

Encourage schools located in the northern parts of Jordan to adopt energy efficiency and renewable energy resource practices and technologies as a gate for international recognition.

Partner Organizations:

This project was funded by the Netherlands government and was implemented in partnership with the Princess Alia Foundation, Future Pioneers and Horizon for Green Development

Outstanding Achievements

  • 46 schools have been certified as eco-schools. 
  • More than 5000 students (57% and 18% are Syrians) have received awareness and educational messages on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • More than 3000 teachers (64% females) have received awareness and educational messages on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • 1067 questionnaires were distributed to measure knowledge, attitude and behavior toward renewable energy and energy efficiency techniques (69% of these questionnaires were completed by females)
  • More than 5000 students (6% were Syrians) were engaged directly by educational programs related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • 6800 students viewed VR videos on energy saving.
  • More than 200 teachers (M: 25%, F: 75%) have been engaged with capacity building programs on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • 10,000 stickers on energy saving were distributed to the involved schools.
  • 34 environmental days were implemented.