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Advocacy Journalism

Advocacy Journalism

Project Title:

Advocacy Journalism

Project Duration:

2017 - 2019

(Partner Organizations: Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS

Project Overview: 

The Advocacy Journalism Project is designed to be implemented over three consecutive years by JREDS. The project is the first of its kind to tackle advocacy journalism in Jordan and aims to strengthen the concept of investigations into environmental issues in a unique and specialized platform available for all stakeholders. The concept behind this project is to provide a tool to inform communities about environmental issues and compel decision makers to act.

Project Summary:

The project provides capacity building to journalists and students to increase their understanding of the environment, the importance of preserving it, and the basics of investigative journalism. The project has targeted a group of young journalists to train them and selected a number of environmental issues for them to investigate. Additionally, the project targeted students in a number of Jordanian universities that are working to graduate as media professionals. Additionally, the project provides a media platform that is a reference for environmental news: www.env-awraq.com.

Project achievements:

  1. Create and launch a national platform for environmental issues: www.env-awraq.com.
  2. Identify important environmental issues and write articles investigating these issues which includes defining the gaps that need to be addressed and associated success stories.
  3. Sign a memorandum of understanding with Petra University that will promote the concept of environmental journalism and the environment in general.
  4. Establish a group of eight journalists working on environmental issues in Jordan and provide the necessary capacity-building program to these journalists.
  5. Prepare a training curriculum in environmental media, which will target practitioners in media and environmental sectors.