  • Achievements
    Breaking Barriers, Building a Sustainable Marine Future

Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Project Title:

Integrated Coastal Zone Management: The Approach for Development and Growth

Project Duration:

2015 - 2016

Project Objectives:

This project developed Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) guidelines through supporting processes of change in key organizations working with planning and management. Over the implementation period, the project ensured the creation of a comprehensive database which defined stakeholders, governance and management systems in Aqaba. A capacity building program for a wide range of stakeholders, especially media personnel, was achieved, and the first guidelines for ICZM were created at the national level.

This project was implemented with three major themes, where mapping and visualizing of current legislation, management strategies, the governance system, integrated sustainable coastal planning, gender balance, and stakeholder’s rights were the first stage. This was followed by enhancing institutional capacities and developing partnerships for better management of coastal areas, in order to improve livelihoods in Aqaba. The third theme included the development of holistic multidisciplinary guidelines for the management and governance of Aqaba’s coastline areas.

Partner Organizations:

USAID - Jordan Civil Society Program/ FHI360 program

Outstanding Achievements:

  • The first national ICZM guidelines were published and distributed. These guidelines were in accordance with the Government of Jordan’s commitments toward climate change and biodiversity conservation.
  • The media’s role in supporting the environment at the national level was identified, documented, and published. This initiative was followed by several organizations, and media was the topic of 2016.
  • A computerized database for ICZM stakeholders in Aqaba was developed, and a comprehensive survey of existing strategies and stakeholder’s rights was developed.